Wednesday, June 4, 2008


enough said. when i think about our life this past week, this picture pops up in my mind. we have gone though a lot of tears and tylenol over the past week. for four days straight sara ran a low temperature and has not wanted me out of her sight. it was kinda nice to have a little one who just wanted to be held all day and lay her head on my chest. but i'm over it now... ready to get back to normal (but what is normal with a baby?)

so needless to say, blogging was pushed to the back burner :) sorry

but i have been sewing. thank God for morning and afternoon naps!
thanks to all who have placed orders over the past couple of weeks! it has been fun creating some new things and making some oldies but goodies.

want to see what has been created in my dining room?


The Heath's said...

i love those animal onsies!!! so cute!

Stacy said...

Everything is so cute. You did such a good job on the onesies!