Sunday, October 17, 2010

s says ssssss....

over the past few weeks sara and i have casually started to spend time learning the sounds of letters and working on other preschool skills (don't be impressed... things like cutting on a line and folding paper different ways. easy stuff.). she loves anything that i call "school". she is such a girl.
we've only made it through a and s. taking it slow people. 

we made apple cake. used this recipe. it was yummy!


 sara made apple people. 

we sewed an "s".
i am so proud of my little seamstress. i think she's been paying attention.  


see? pretty good, huh?!


so yeah, there's a little glimpse into our "school".
hope you had a relaxing weekend. 


CindyC said...

You're doing such a good job.

I was just thinking, I hope Sara and Lizzie get to be friends. :)