Monday, August 25, 2008

glue sticks and kleenex

i did it today... i finished my first day of student teaching. walking to school this morning i wanted to barf up the banana i was nervously eating. i felt like a giddy school girl... so ready to meet my cooperating teacher, worried if she would like me, and if we would get along. needless to say, she didn't bite me or stare at the big red zit that decided today was a good day to make a visit. i really liked her. she was energetic and funny and really had compassion for the kids in our class. she really appreciated all the quirks that each kiddo had. and oh, they had them... it was such a great bunch of eager second graders who were not afraid to show their personalities!

i remembered what i love about the classroom... the smells (come on- you know the glue sticks, the crayons, new school shoes, the muggy closets that are painted shut... all of it), the colored paper just ready to be cut up, pencil sharpeners, all of the ready minds waiting to learn more and find out all of the simple things about you... where do you live? how many brothers and sisters do you have? do you like to read?...

but it was a bittersweet day... the beginning of a new adventure full of learning and teaching ... but also one of separation and sadness... i left my baby for the longest time ever... honestly, the day was so packed full that i hardly thought about her... knowing she was with my sister and right down the street was quite helpful... but it was when i came home i realized my heart was quietly hurting to see her face and hold her little body... what a treasure it has been to be able to spend so much time with flip through books and bang on drums... to clean up a box of dominoes fifty times a day.... mind you i haven't always been the mom i dreamed i would be....but today helped me appreciate even more the opportunity i have to stay at home with her....

the year is young (well the school year) and many dreams have been dreamt for what it will bring and i hope i get to play a part in helping some of them come to pass or at least, help someone discover their dreams....


The Heath's said...

Meg I am so glad your first day went well! I was thinking about you yesterday! Your school is so pretty! And I love the pic of Sara too cute.

Virginie M. said...

Wow! That was a powerful post! I'm sorry that you're separated from your sweetie, but I'm glad you like being the classroom. :-)

Christy said...

what a sweet, tender, real post. i am glad it is going well and jayden and i miss you! i am glad it is gong well and you are enjoying it! love sara in the skirt - so precious! hope your thursday is good!